Funding Information


Our annual fund raisers, until recently the San Vicente Valley Club Home Tour, along with the thousands of volunteer hours put in by our club members on this project, has raised over $179,500.00 during the past ten years. At this year’s Casino Night a good time was had by all.

The Valley Club donates back to our community by awarding scholarships for graduating Ramona high school district students and making awards to Ramona nonprofit organizations.  Scholarships are awarded in two categories: Academic Awards and Vocational Awards.

Academic Awards – Are based on a students’ expressed desire to achieve career goals, academic record, character, service to school and community, financial need will also be considered. The student must show evidence of intent to enroll in a two year school with the intent to continue education in a four year college or university, or a four year college and must be in attendance by the following September.

Vocational Awards – Same requirements as above, and show evidence of intent to enroll in a trade, technical, or business college, and must be in attendance by the following September.

Community Funding – Applicants must be Ramona-based nonprofit organizations.

To apply, download and print the from the following link: community-funding-application2017

Complete and mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

San Vicente Valley Club
Scholarship/Community Funding Chairperson
24157 San Vicente Road
Ramona, CA 92065-4199

Applications are due no later than April 1.